Over 25 years ago, Chuck Warner recognized that swimming didn't have many heroes. Those were the days before Michael Phelps and of course Katy Ledecky. America also faced a conundrum of falling behind the world in men's distance swimming. He set out to write the story of when the USA ruled the world of mens distance swimming. He researched and wrote the book "Four Champions, One Gold Medal." You can find it on Amazon for around $2-300.00. Wanting to give kids and families better access to information on swimming, swimmers and coaches, we've launched CHUCKWARNERBOOKS.COM to give the swimming community an easy, affordable source for insightful, aspirational and inspirational stories about the greatest sport in the world.

its value to a swimmer's success

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Arete Aquatic Services conducts innovative camps, inspiring clinics, and informative seminars. These programs are designed for swimmers, teams, and coaches. Additionally, AAS publishes books that educate and inspire not only swimmers and coaches but also parents and officials.

Swim Camp


For information on the 2024 ARETE SWIM CAMP, please CICK HERE.
The ARETE Swim Camp is now conducted by Coach Mickey Wender. At the week-long swim camps, we teach stroke technique from the inside out. Body line & balance first, propulsion second. For more information please go to areteswimcamp.com
Coach Chuck Warner, has written three books detailing the narratives of great swimmers and coaches throughout history. An audio book for "EDDIE REESE: Coaching Swimming, Teaching Life" is also available now. It is recorded by Warner, Dana Abbott and the greatest (collegiate?) swimming coach in history, Eddie Reese. For a sample of the book copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv4DUGvnYMc
You can purchase each his books which are now available directly through our site, including some special combo deals.